Shodasha Samskara or the Sixteen Sacraments - 4 November 2011

Shodasha Samskara or the Sixteen Sacraments

In Hinduism, Samskaras are rites practiced by Hindus, who are expected to follow them at various stages of his/her life. Gautama Dharmasutras specify 40-48 samskaras. However, the latter Smritis, brought down this number to 16 (Shodasha Samskaras).

Shodasha means sixteen and Samskara (also written as Sanskar) means sacrament or rite of passage. The Vedas prescribe several samskaras to be performed during ones lifetime. Later scriptures have highlighted the importance of sixteen of them thus giving rise to Shodasha Samskara.

 The primary purpose of samskaras is to attain spirituality and help realize moksha or the ultimate union with the divine. It is very clear that merely performing these sacraments cannot and will not lead to moksha. However not performing these samskaras may make it impossible to attain moksha. At a secondary level the samskaras are cultural events that provide occasions for family and friends to get together and bond. And it is this bonding that forms the basis for a peaceful life. At yet another level they provide an identity to the individual and link him to the society in which he or she lives. They enable the individual to understand the gravity of the various life stages and therefore live a more responsible life.

These 16 Samskaras (purificatory rites) are performed from the time
of conception of any individual continuing up to the last rites
performed after death. It is believed that by performing these
sixteen samskaras ( shodasha samskaras) , one develops positive
qualities which in turn purifies the soul. (chitta shuddhi).

To read about 16 Samskaras, visit the below link

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