WHO IS GOD : As per doctrine of Advaita Vedanta God Almighty is one and only one... the only existence of life in entire cosmos! As per Advaita Vedanta doctrine of Hinduism duality was not part of nature! Advaita Vedanta is also known as doctrine of non-dualism! As per Advaita Vedanta theory... all souls’ atmans in cosmos were part of God Almighty. In Hinduism a soul is termed atman!

Advaita Vedanta emphatically says... souls' atmans are not distinct from God Almighty! If an individual grain of sand is an independent soul atman... the whole mound God Almighty! If an individual piece of puzzle is an independent soul atman... the completed puzzle God Almighty! As per Adi Shankaracharya... other than God Almighty nothing existed in cosmos!

As per doctrine of Maya (veil of illusion)... the whole cosmos does not seem to have a boundary! If it does... then what beyond! Adi Shankaracharya firmly believes that whole cosmos existed only in thoughts of God Almighty! As the present cosmos does not seem to have a boundary... it could not exist physically!

Similar as we saw everything in dreams vanished moment we woke up... everything in present cosmos could only be but a dream of God Almighty! This analogy given by Adi Shankaracharya holds good in Hinduism beliefs. It is an absolute fact of life that whatever we see in the physical manifest world could only be a dream... a thought of God Almighty!

Summing it all up... as per Adi Shankaracharya Brahman... God Almighty was the only truth of life!

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